Whether you’re in the corporate world or the academic one, you often hear phrases like “keep the long-game in mind” or “run the distance” or “the finish line is in sight.” Actually, I just realized these apply to parenting, too. Regardless of your world, we hear these phrases often. I’d like to introduce you to Colin, a high school senior, who lives these phrases daily.

Colin is a hard-working, tenacious young man. His passion as a distance runner permeates the rest of his life: he’s willing to put in the effort to get the results—whether its school work, cross country and track, or playing in the band at church. There’s no corner of his life left untouched by his determination (doggedness). He shows up and strives for getting the best out of himself.

“Winning doesn't always mean getting first place; it means getting the best of yourself”

This is the kid that always makes time for his workouts, getting up before dawn to run before school no matter what the weather. Not many 18 year olds are willing to do that—in fact, not a lot of adults do either! And Colin pursues music with the same determination. He has perfect pitch and can play almost anything by ear and figure out the chord structures on the piano and guitar. This makes him a huge asset to his youth band and as an occasional guest lead guitarist in the church’s adult band. Impressive.

Colin’s incredible work ethic mixed with his confidence he can to do anything he wants to do is a winning combination. What’s on the horizon for Colin? Great things! He aspires to win a gold medal—and help others, either as a coach, trainer or physical therapist.

Beloved by his classmates for his entertainment value, they also appreciate his willingness to speak up about what he believes in—something our culture needs more of! Colin, with your tenacity and big heart, you’ll run the race set before you and change the lives of those around you. Congrats on being a senior!

“My thoughts before a big race are usually pretty simple. I tell myself: ‘Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you’ll win.'”

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