Because a square peg doesn't fit in a round hole.
I’m getting geared up for the fall shooting session—my favorite time of year. The weather turns cooler and gathers a crispness in the mornings. The leaves start to change and the light tends to get a golden glow. And it’s also my favorite time of year for taking portraits.
In addition to sending my “good” camera out for service, I decided to take a hard look at my pricing structure and packages and I realized something: although my current model might work for a lot of people, it’s not ideal for a large portion of my clients. So, I’m moving to a more customizable pricing model. Instead of offering various packages—like a family package with 20 hi-res images or a senior portrait package with 24 hi-res images—there’s just one basic package. This session includes 12 hi-res images for a 45-60 minute session, at the location of your choice, for only $200. And you can purchase as many additional images as you like, for $15 each. I’m excited about this change and confident it will better fit my clients’ needs. It’s simple, yet tailor-made! My clients can choose where and when their session is held and how many images they want. No more trying to fit a “square peg into a round hole.” How refreshing!
And for those of you that are interested in my mini-sessions, I’m definitely doing them this fall! Stay tuned: dates and locations are coming soon.