Athlete, Theologian, and Poet

Luke is an amazing young man! And you’ll know it the very first time you meet him.

He is very intentional and purposeful—he’ll look you earnestly in the eye and want to know how it’s going. As in… how it’s really going. He’s that way with new friends and old, and his relationships with his family. He’s always thinking about others and wanting to make sure they are flourishing. Consequently, he puts a lot of thought into how to build people up and make them feel good about themselves.

Sports are an integral part of Luke’s life. If he’s not playing a sport, he’s watching one. He’s a very strategic thinker, both on and off the courts. He plays tennis: first right-handed then after an injury he learned to play left-handed. And he used to play baseball until he broke his elbow. His senior year took up soccer because he was drawn to the idea of pursuing a new competitive sport while spending time with his close friends.

Don’t be surprised: this “Renaissance Man” also enjoys writing poetry and spending time contemplating theology. He feels a responsibility to invest in other people’s spiritual growth through youth group, Bible studies, and sharing casually. He did his first “sermon” during family worship at the tender age of nine! And he recently gave a talk before his youth group—with over 100 people present!

With so many gifts and talents, Luke has a lot to consider as enters his next chapter. He’s considered pursuing business, communications, or ministry work. His next step will be to study Theology and Apologetics as a Bachelor of Arts at Liberty University.

Luke’s thoughtfulness is an inspiration to others—along with his example to enjoy every moment of life. He truly embodies the greatest commandment: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Congratulations, Luke, on being a senior! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you :).

facing the camera, smiling, while leaning against white pasture fence
wearing a plaid suit & blue tie, leaning casuallly against white pillar, smiling
leaning against white pasture fence with arms crossed, wearing a pink polo,
closeup, leaning against a column with a big smile, wearing suit & tie