Some pretty amazing seniors!

I love to travel: flying 30,000+ feet above the earth’s surface never ceases to take my breath away. Looking down on the curvy path of a river, the lights of a city at night, or the mosaic of roadways—all appearing in minuscule detail.

Sometimes its a metaphor for life, too. I'm known for getting caught up in the details, and dragging out the story—hey, there’s something to be said for suspense… or at least anticipation. But sometimes life demands a little economy; and that’s a good thing! So, I thought I’d give you a “flyover view” of just a few of the pretty amazing 2024 seniors I photographed:


Danielle is sweet, thoughtful, encouraging, and hard working.

Danielle loves sports and during the school year she played volleyball and golf, and swam for her school’s swim team. When not playing on a team, she likes to play the violin and has enjoyed many years playing with the orchestra.

During the summer months, she works with young children. And in her free time, she’s involved in student ministry at her church.     

And next year, Danielle plans to head to University of Virginia (UVA) to study Math. This lovely, easy to talk to, young woman is sure to flourish at whatever she sets her sights on!


Wyatt is what you’d call “happy in his own skin” or… a very well-rounded individual. A talented musician, he doesn’t seek after the spotlight nor does he shy away from it. He enjoys spending time with friends, but he also enjoys time to himself. He’s a pretty easy-going guy—and he loves the Dallas Cowboys—so what’s not to like??

Serving the local church through worship and the arts is Wyatt’s calling. By using the gifts the Lord has given him: singing, playing the guitar, and the drums, Wyatt endeavors to minister to others through the playing and listening of music.

And when he’s not doing something musical, or hanging out with friends, he’s watching football or tossing the ball around outside.

Wyatt’s loves are playing a big part in his next chapter: he plans to attend Texas Baptist College this coming fall, majoring in Music with an emphasis on Worship Studies—while living in the land of the Dallas Cowboys :). And his biggest aspiration? Wyatt hopes to qualify for the accelerated program at TBC so he can finish both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 5 years.

You go, Wyatt! I'm looking forward to singing one of your praise songs in worship someday!

~ ERIN ~

Erin is smart, funny, kind and perceptive—and always doing kind things for her friends. Mature beyond her years, she’s an “old soul” that finds joy in drawing and music; she plays guitar and has a beautiful voice.

Erin is really interested in traveling and experiencing different cultures; she’s been to Thailand and loved it! Europe is next on her list—she’s really looking forward to experiencing Italy and Greece.

Wherever she is in the world, Erin loves the water and, invariably, her steps always lead her to the beach…

~ NATE ~